Strixhaven: School of Mages

(Part of Kuriaken57's Collection)

(821 total cards collected)

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Most valuable card collected from this set:

Professor Onyx
$7.50 (foil)

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← Strixhaven Variants Time Spiral Remastered (Timeshifted) →

Environmental Sciences
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.02 ($0.17 foil)

Expanded Anatomy
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Introduction to Annihilation
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Introduction to Prophecy
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Mascot Exhibition
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.33 foil)

Wandering Archaic // Explore the Vastlands
x1 (+1 foils)
$3.80 ($6.79 foil)

Academic Probation
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Ageless Guardian
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Beaming Defiance
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Clever Lumimancer
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Combat Professor
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Defend the Campus
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.03 foil)

Detention Vortex
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Devastating Mastery
$0.05 ($0.24 foil)

Dueling Coach
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Eager First-Year
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Elite Spellbinder
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.09 ($0.26 foil)

x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Guiding Voice
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Leonin Lightscribe
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.22 ($0.43 foil)

Mavinda, Students' Advocate
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.24 ($0.69 foil)

Pilgrim of the Ages
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Pillardrop Rescuer
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.03 foil)

Professor of Symbology
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Reduce to Memory
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.18 foil)

Secret Rendezvous
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.13 ($0.34 foil)

Semester's End
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.18 ($0.57 foil)

Show of Confidence
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.27 foil)

Sparring Regimen
$0.03 ($0.28 foil)

Star Pupil
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Stonebinder's Familiar
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Stonerise Spirit
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Strict Proctor
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.73 foil)

Study Break
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Thunderous Orator
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Arcane Subtraction
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Archmage Emeritus
$2.99 ($4.68 foil)

Burrog Befuddler
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.23 foil)

Bury in Books
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Divide by Zero
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Dream Strix
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.27 foil)

Frost Trickster
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Ingenious Mastery
$0.04 ($0.52 foil)

Kelpie Guide
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.30 foil)

Mentor's Guidance
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Mercurial Transformation
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Multiple Choice
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.18 foil)

Pop Quiz
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

x2 (+2 foils)
$0.10 ($0.51 foil)

Serpentine Curve
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Snow Day
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Solve the Equation
x1 (+3 foils)
$1.25 ($3.84 foil)

Soothsayer Adept
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Symmetry Sage
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Teachings of the Archaics
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.03 ($0.08 foil)

Tempted by the Oriq
$0.08 ($0.20 foil)

Test of Talents
$0.01 ($0.40 foil)

Vortex Runner
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.03 foil)

Waterfall Aerialist
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Wormhole Serpent
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Arrogant Poet
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Baleful Mastery
$0.57 ($1.15 foil)

Brackish Trudge
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Callous Bloodmage
x0 (+2 foils)
$0.08 ($0.26 foil)

Confront the Past
x0 (+2 foils)
$0.02 ($0.10 foil)

Crushing Disappointment
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Essence Infusion
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.18 foil)

x0 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Go Blank
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.71 foil)

Hunt for Specimens
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Lash of Malice
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Leech Fanatic
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Mage Hunter
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Mage Hunters' Onslaught
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Necrotic Fumes
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Novice Dissector
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Oriq Loremage
$0.40 ($0.65 foil)

Plumb the Forbidden
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.49 ($1.07 foil)

Poet's Quill
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Professor Onyx
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.37 ($7.50 foil)

Professor's Warning
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.27 foil)

Promising Duskmage
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Sedgemoor Witch
$0.51 ($2.01 foil)

Specter of the Fens
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Tenured Inkcaster
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Umbral Juke
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Unwilling Ingredient
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Academic Dispute
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Ardent Dustspeaker
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Blood Age General
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Conspiracy Theorist
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.20 ($0.43 foil)

Crackle with Power
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.41 ($5.66 foil)

Draconic Intervention
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.27 foil)

Dragon's Approach
x1 (+2 foils)
$1.50 ($3.55 foil)

Efreet Flamepainter
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.22 foil)

Enthusiastic Study
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Explosive Welcome
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Fervent Mastery
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.37 foil)

First Day of Class
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.04 ($0.23 foil)

Fuming Effigy
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Grinning Ignus
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Hall Monitor
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Heated Debate
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Igneous Inspiration
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Illuminate History
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Illustrious Historian
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Mascot Interception
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Pigment Storm
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Pillardrop Warden
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Retriever Phoenix
$0.01 ($0.18 foil)

Start from Scratch
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Storm-Kiln Artist
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.77 ($1.72 foil)

Sudden Breakthrough
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.28 foil)

Tome Shredder
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Twinscroll Shaman
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Accomplished Alchemist
$0.15 ($0.34 foil)

Basic Conjuration
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.10 foil)

Bayou Groff
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

Big Play
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

x2 (+2 foils)
$0.04 ($0.20 foil)

Charge Through
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Containment Breach
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Devouring Tendrils
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Dragonsguard Elite
x0 (+2 foils)
$0.03 ($0.14 foil)

Ecological Appreciation
$0.15 ($0.66 foil)

Emergent Sequence
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.17 foil)

Exponential Growth
$0.27 ($0.42 foil)

Field Trip
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Fortifying Draught
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Gnarled Professor
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Honor Troll
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Karok Wrangler
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Leyline Invocation
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Mage Duel
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Master Symmetrist
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Overgrown Arch
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Professor of Zoomancy
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Reckless Amplimancer
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Scurrid Colony
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Spined Karok
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.01 foil)

Springmane Cervin
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.01 foil)

x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Verdant Mastery
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($0.19 foil)

Augmenter Pugilist // Echoing Equation
$0.10 ($0.28 foil)

Blex, Vexing Pest // Search for Blex
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.96 ($5.66 foil)

Extus, Oriq Overlord // Awaken the Blood Avatar
$0.15 ($0.64 foil)

Flamescroll Celebrant // Revel in Silence
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.31 foil)

Jadzi, Oracle of Arcavios // Journey to the Oracle
$0.25 ($0.63 foil)

Kianne, Dean of Substance // Imbraham, Dean of Theory
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Mila, Crafty Companion // Lukka, Wayward Bonder
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.75 ($3.36 foil)

Pestilent Cauldron // Restorative Burst
$0.03 ($0.22 foil)

Plargg, Dean of Chaos // Augusta, Dean of Order
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.30 foil)

Rowan, Scholar of Sparks // Will, Scholar of Frost
$0.44 ($2.68 foil)

Selfless Glyphweaver // Deadly Vanity
$0.05 ($0.20 foil)

Shaile, Dean of Radiance // Embrose, Dean of Shadow
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.07 ($0.37 foil)

Torrent Sculptor // Flamethrower Sonata
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Uvilda, Dean of Perfection // Nassari, Dean of Expression
$0.04 ($0.19 foil)

Valentin, Dean of the Vein // Lisette, Dean of the Root
x0 (+2 foils)
$0.15 ($0.42 foil)

Aether Helix
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Beledros Witherbloom
$2.25 ($7.07 foil)

x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Blade Historian
x1 (+2 foils)
$1.25 ($1.70 foil)

Blood Researcher
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Blot Out the Sky
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.30 ($3.37 foil)

Body of Research
$0.30 ($0.70 foil)

Closing Statement
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Cram Session
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Creative Outburst
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Culling Ritual
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.45 ($2.89 foil)

Culmination of Studies
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.23 foil)

Daemogoth Titan
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.40 ($0.79 foil)

Daemogoth Woe-Eater
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.31 foil)

Deadly Brew
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.33 foil)

Decisive Denial
x0 (+2 foils)
$0.05 ($0.13 foil)

Dina, Soul Steeper
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Double Major
x3 (+1 foils)
$1.00 ($3.61 foil)

Dramatic Finale
$0.06 ($0.26 foil)

Elemental Expressionist
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Elemental Masterpiece
x1 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Elemental Summoning
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Eureka Moment
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.04 ($0.24 foil)

Exhilarating Elocution
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Expressive Iteration
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.15 ($0.60 foil)

Fractal Summoning
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

$0.39 ($2.19 foil)

Galazeth Prismari
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.66 ($3.66 foil)

Golden Ratio
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Harness Infinity
$0.15 ($0.73 foil)

Hofri Ghostforge
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.25 ($1.36 foil)

x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.34 foil)

Infuse with Vitality
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Inkling Summoning
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.01 foil)

Kasmina, Enigma Sage
$0.40 ($1.17 foil)

Killian, Ink Duelist
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.16 ($0.60 foil)

Lorehold Apprentice
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Lorehold Command
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.07 ($0.28 foil)

Lorehold Excavation
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Lorehold Pledgemage
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Maelstrom Muse
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Magma Opus
$0.35 ($1.53 foil)

Make Your Mark
x2 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Manifestation Sage
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.16 foil)

Moldering Karok
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Mortality Spear
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.14 ($0.27 foil)

Needlethorn Drake
x1 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Oggyar Battle-Seer
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Owlin Shieldmage
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Pest Summoning
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Practical Research
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Prismari Apprentice
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.29 foil)

Prismari Command
$0.56 ($1.44 foil)

Prismari Pledgemage
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Quandrix Apprentice
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Quandrix Command
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.05 ($0.27 foil)

Quandrix Cultivator
x2 (+3 foils)
$0.03 ($0.16 foil)

Quandrix Pledgemage
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Quintorius, Field Historian
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Radiant Scrollwielder
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.30 foil)

Reconstruct History
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

Relic Sloth
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Returned Pastcaller
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Rip Apart
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.08 ($0.27 foil)

Rise of Extus
x1 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Rootha, Mercurial Artist
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Rushed Rebirth
$0.09 ($0.38 foil)

Shadewing Laureate
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Shadrix Silverquill
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.79 ($5.13 foil)

Silverquill Apprentice
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Silverquill Command
$0.04 ($0.20 foil)

Silverquill Pledgemage
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Silverquill Silencer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Spectacle Mage
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Spirit Summoning
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Spiteful Squad
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Square Up
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Stonebound Mentor
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.03 foil)

Tanazir Quandrix
$0.50 ($1.25 foil)

Teach by Example
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Tend the Pests
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.26 foil)

Thrilling Discovery
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Vanishing Verse
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.64 foil)

Velomachus Lorehold
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.78 ($1.76 foil)

Venerable Warsinger
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($0.30 foil)

Witherbloom Apprentice
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.15 ($0.72 foil)

Witherbloom Command
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.22 ($0.71 foil)

Witherbloom Pledgemage
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Zimone, Quandrix Prodigy
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.04 ($0.24 foil)

Biblioplex Assistant
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Campus Guide
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Codie, Vociferous Codex
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.35 foil)

Cogwork Archivist
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Excavated Wall
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Letter of Acceptance
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Reflective Golem
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Spell Satchel
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Strixhaven Stadium
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.29 ($0.68 foil)

Team Pennant
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.23 foil)

Zephyr Boots
$0.11 ($0.37 foil)

Access Tunnel
$0.32 ($0.56 foil)

Archway Commons
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

The Biblioplex
x1 (+2 foils)
$0.03 ($0.17 foil)

Frostboil Snarl
$0.09 ($0.34 foil)

Furycalm Snarl
x0 (+2 foils)
$0.04 ($0.40 foil)

Hall of Oracles
x2 (+1 foils)
$0.12 ($0.31 foil)

Lorehold Campus
x3 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Necroblossom Snarl
$0.34 ($0.90 foil)

Prismari Campus
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Quandrix Campus
x0 (+4 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Shineshadow Snarl
$0.15 ($0.43 foil)

Silverquill Campus
x1 (+3 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Vineglimmer Snarl
x0 (+2 foils)
$0.10 ($0.35 foil)

Witherbloom Campus
x2 (+2 foils)
$0.01 ($0.23 foil)
← Strixhaven Variants Time Spiral Remastered (Timeshifted) →
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